Our Fishing

We have access to varied coarse and game fishing around the Preston area, ranging from well stocked coarse fishing venues through to small streams and local rivers.  Membership entitles you to fish these waters for free.

We also have discounted deals for trout fishing at Barnsfold and Bank House trout fisheries allowing members to fish these excellent waters at preferential rates.

3 lb chub. Lower Brock, 16 June 2020. River Brock - We have trout fishing on the upper Brock and mixed game and coarse fishing on the lower Brock.
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A wild brown trout from Barton Brook Barton Brook - Surprisingly large predatory brownies lurk in this small stream. Enjoy jungle fishing in summer.
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Damas Gill - This tributary of the River Wyre holds brown trout and a late run of sea trout and the odd salmon.
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Whittaker’s Pond - This small but deep pond holds rudd, perch, some carp and some excellent but elusive tench to over 5lb. There are also a number of large eels.
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Adamson’s Pond - A large farm pond, newly acquired in 2023.
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A tench from a Preston Angling Association water Heskin Old Hall Farm Fisheries - PAA members fish for free at this commercial coarse fishery which offers three ponds all heavily stocked with quality roach, rudd, bream and carp into double figures including some kois, […]
Barnsfold Waters Trout Fishery - Barnsfold offers year-round fly fishing for stocked trout and is one of the North West’s top fisheries. PAA members get bargain rates for any six hours: two fish ticket £10, […]
Bank House Fly Fishery - Bank House is a well stocked small water in a lovely setting offering excellent fly fishing for trout. PAA members are offered three heavily subsidised visits per season.
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